Setting GMAIL
Untuk mengaktifkan POP Gmail, klik setting -> Forwarding and POP,click POP Download dan enable POP lalu save.
- Account Name (Incoming Mail Server)isi sesuai dg alamat email (misalnya
- Port POP3 standar 110 dirubah menjadi 995
- Port SMTP standar 25 dirubah menjadi 465
- Incoming (POP3) :
- Outgoing (SMTP) : /SMTP ISP (yang anda pakai login internet saat ini)
- Setting lain di Outlook Express harus diaktifkan (di cek/centang) requires authentication.
To set up your Outlook Express client to work with Gmail:
- Enable POP in Gmail. Don't forget to click Save Changes when you're done.
- Open Outlook or Outlook Express.
- Click the Tools menu, and select Accounts...
- Click Add, and then click Mail...
- Enter your name in the Display name: field, and click Next.
- Enter your full Gmail email address ( in the Email address: field, and click Next.
- Enter in the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server: field. Enter in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: field.
- Click Next.
- Enter your Gmail username (including '') in the Account name: field. Enter your Gmail password in the Password: field, and click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Highlight under Account, and click Properties.
- Click the Advanced tab.
- Fill in the following information:*
- Check the box next to This server requires a secure connection (SSL) under Outgoing Mail (SMTP).
- Enter 465 in the Outgoing mail (SMTP): field.
- Under Outgoing Mail (SMTP), check the box next to This server requires a secure connection (SSL).
- Under Incoming mail (POP3), check the box next to This server requires a secure connection (SSL). The port will change to 995.
*The order of Outgoing and Incoming mail server fields varies by version. Make sure you enter the correct information in each field.
- Return to the Servers tab, and check the box next to My server requires authentication.
- Click OK.
Congratulations! You're done configuring your client to send and retrieve Gmail messages.